Religion & Spirituality
The Three Years: The Life of Christ Between Baptism and Ascension
Emil Bock; Translated by Alfred HeidenreichEmil Bock reveals a new understanding of the Jesus' incarnation on earth and rediscovers the miracles of the Gos... Read more
The Twelve Holy Nights: Meditations on the Dream Song of Olaf Åsteson
Frans Lutters; Translated by Philip MeesAn exploration, commentary and meditation on the twelve sacred nights between Christmas and Epiphany, dra... Read more
The Unknown in the Gospels
Alfred HeidenreichAlfred Heidenreich addresses the puzzling apparent contradictions in the Gospels head on, and argues that these difficulties are necessary to encourage us to make an active spi... Read more
When Death Enters Life
John BaumExperiences, observations and practical advice enabling those encountering death to meet it in an active manner, both mentally and physically.... Read more
A candid and courageous book sharing a personal journey to wellbeing, revealing how the healing stories in the gospels c... Read more
Out of print
- Al-Kemi: Hermetic, Occult, Political and Private Aspects of R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz André VandenBroeck
- The Apocalypse of Saint John Emil Bock
- Apocalypse: The Transformation of Earth: An Esoteric Mineralogy Friedrich Benesch; Foreword by Robert Sardello; Translated by Joseph Bailey
- Becoming: A Call To Love Claire Blatchford
- Becoming Aware of the Logos: The Way of John the Evangelist Georg Kühlewind
- The Beginnings of Christianity: Essene Mystery, Gnostic Revelation and the Christian Vision Andrew Welburn
- Beyond the Blood: A Celebration of Judaism, Islam, and Christianity Marie-Laure Valandro
- Bridge Across Troubled Waters: Centering Prayer and the Theological Divide Kess Frey; Foreword by Thomas Keating
- Caesars and Apostles: Hellenism, Rome and Judaism Emil Bock
- Celtic Christianity: Ecology and Holiness Edited by Christopher Bamford and William Parker Marsh
- The Celtic Gift of Nature: Illustrated Selections from the Carmina Gadelica in Gaelic and English Compiled by Alexander Carmichael; Illustrated by Vivienne Cardwell
- The Celtic Goddess: Great Queen or Demon Witch? Claire French
- Celtic Wonder Tales: And Other Stories Ella Young; Illustrated by Boris Artzybasheff and Vera Bock
- Centering Prayer and Rebirth in Christ on the Tree of Life: The Process of Inner Transformation Kess Frey
- The Childhood of Jesus: The Unknown Years Emil Bock
- Choices of Love Dorothy Maclean
- The Christian Creed: A Meditative Path Hans-Werner Schroeder
- A Christian Rosenkreutz Anthology Edited by Paul M. Allen
- The Christian Year Evelyn Capel
- The Christian Year in Pictures for Children Brigitte Barz; Illustrated by Gabriela de Carvalho; Translated by Julia Emahiser
- Christianity and Islam: A Battle for the Image of the Human Being Rudolf Frieling; Translated by Hugh Latham
- Consecrated Venom: The Serpent and the Tree of Knowledge Caryl Johnston
- The Cosmic Christ Hans-Werner Schroeder
- The Crisis of Western Philosophy: Against Positivism Vladimir Solovyov
- Deliverance of the Spellbound God: An Experiential Journey into Eastern and Western Meditation Practices Marie-Laure Valandro
- Easter: The Legends and the Facts Eleanor C. Merry
- The Ecstasies of St Francis: The Way of Lady Poverty John R. Haule
- Encounters With Angels Dan Lindholm
- The Enigma of Evil Alfred Schütze; Translated by Eva Lauterbach
- The Essential Aurobindo: Writings of Sri Aurobindo Aurobindo; Robert McDermott
- Experiences with the Dying and the Dead: Waking to Our Connections with Those Who Have Died Claire Blatchford
- Festivals with Children Brigitte Barz
- The Four Gospels: A Translation in Verse Kalmia Bittleston
- Friend of my Heart: Meeting Christ in Everyday Life Claire Blatchford
- From the Isles of Dream: Visionary Stories and Poems of the Celtic Renaissance Edited by John Neuro; Foreword by Robin Williamson
- Genesis: Creation and the Patriarchs Emil Bock
- Give Us This Day: The Story of Prayer Rufus Goodwin
- Gnosis, the Mysteries and Christianity: An Anthology of Essene, Gnostic and Christian Writings Edited by Andrew Welburn
- The Gospel of Luke Kalmia Bittleston
- The Gospel of Mark Kalmia Bittleston
- The Gospel of Matthew Kalmia Bittleston
- Green Hermeticism: Alchemy and Ecology Peter Lamborn Wilson, Christopher Bamford and Kevin Townley; Introduction by Pir Zia Inayat Khan
- The Healing Power of Prayer Hans-Werner Schroeder; Translated by Jon Madsen
- The Heart Sutra and Beyond: A Translation of The Heart Sutra with Commentary Kwan-Yuk Claire Sit
- Hermes the Thief: The Evolution of a Myth Norman O. Brown
- Hidden Treasure in the Psalms Rudolf Frieling; Translated by Mabel Cotterell and Alfred Heidenreich
- The Holy Grail and the Eucharist Sergii Bulgakov
- Holy Week: A Spiritual Guide from Palm Sunday to Easter Emil Bock; Foreword by Tom Ravetz
- The Hope of the World: Contemplations and Aphorisms Rudolf Frieling; Edited by Werner Bril
- How Like An Angel Came I Down: Conversations With Children on the Gospels A. Bronson Alcott; Edited by Alice O. Howell; Foreword by Stephen Mitchell
- Human Ground, Spiritual Ground: Paradise Lost and Found Kess Frey
- Human Needs and Cosmic Answers: The Spirit of the Circling Stars Adam Bittleston
- The Hunter's Trance: Nature, Spirit and Ecology Carl François von Essen
- The Illustrated Bede John Marsden; Photography by Geoff Green; Translated by John Gregory
- The Illustrated Life of Columba John Marsden
- The Image of Blood Edited by William Forward and Andrew Wolpert
- The Impulse of Freedom in Islam John van Schaik, Christine Gruwez and Cilia ter Horst; Translated by Philip Mees
- Islam in Relation to the Christ Impulse: A Search for Reconciliation between Christianity and Islam Andrei Younis
- Jesus the Master Builder: Druid Mysteries and the Dawn of Christianity Gordon Strachan
- Kabbalah of Prayer: Sacred Sounds and the Soul's Journey Shulamit Elson
- The King and the Gifts of Gold Georg Dreissig; Illustrated by Maren Briswalter; Translated by Jonathan Drake
- The King of Ireland's Son: An Irish Folk Tale Padraic Colum; Illustrated by Willy Pogany
- Kings and Prophets: Saul, David, Solomon, Elijah, Jonah, Isaiah and Jeremiah Emil Bock
- Lao Tzu and Anthroposophy: A Translation of the Tao Te Ching with Commentary Kwan-Yuk Claire Sit
- Lao Tzu and Anthroposophy: A Translation of the Tao Te Ching with Commentary Kwan-Yuk Claire Sit
- The Last Barrier: A Journey into the Essence of Sufi Teachings Reshad Feild
- Lectures on Divine Humanity Vladimir Solovyov
- The Life of Columba: An Abridged Translation of Adamnan's Vita Adamnan; Photography by Geoff Green; Translated by John Gregory
- Living in Godless Times: Tales of Spiritual Travellers Edited by Alison Leonard
- The Lost Civilization of Petra Udi Levy
- Love is Stronger than Death: The Mystical Union of Two Souls Cynthia Bourgeault
- Mani, the Angel and the Column of Glory: An Anthology of Manichean Texts Edited by Andrew Welburn
- Meditative Prayers for Today Adam Bittleston
- The Mysteries: Rudolf Steiner's Writings on Spiritual Initiation Edited by Andrew Welburn
- The Mystery, Biography and Destiny of Mary Magdalene: Sister of Lazarus John and Spiritual Sister of Jesus Robert Powell
- Myth of the Nativity: The Virgin Birth Re-examined Andrew Welburn
- Necessary Evil: Origin and Purpose Hans-Werner Schroeder; Translated by James H. Hindes
- New Moon of the Seasons: Prayers from the Highlands and Islands Edited by Alexander Carmichael
- New Testament Studies Rudolf Frieling
- Nicaea: A Book of Correspondences Martin Rowe
- Ninetta Sombart: Life and Art Volker Harlan; Original Artwork by Ninetta Sombart; Translated by Jon Madsen
- Old Testament Studies Rudolf Frieling
- Old Testament Studies Rudolf Frieling; Translated by Rudolf & Margaret Koehler
- On Spiritual Unity: A Slavophile Reader Edited by Aleksey Khomiakov and Ivan Kireevsky
- The One Who Loves Us: Centering Prayer and Evolving Consciousness Kess Frey
- Ortha nan Gàidheal: Carmina Gadelica in English and Gaelic Compiled by Alexander Carmichael
- Our Spiritual Companions: From Angels and Archangels to Cherubim and Seraphim Adam Bittleston
- Plato Prehistorian: Myth, Religion and Archaeology, 10000 to 5000 BC Mary Settegast
- Power of Raven, Wisdom of Serpent: Celtic Women's Spirituality Noragh Jones; Foreword by Caitlin Matthews
- Prayers and Graces Compiled by Michael Jones
- The Queen of the Silver Castle Claire French
- The Quest for the Grail Edited by William Forward and Andrew Wolpert
- Raphael's Madonnas: Images for the Soul Edited by Christopher Bamford
- Renewing Christianity James H. Hindes
- Reverse Ritual: Spiritual Knowledge Is True Communion Rudolf Steiner and Friedrich Benesch
- The Rhythm of the Christian Year: Renewing the Religious Cycle of Festivals Emil Bock
- The Rose of the World Daniel Andreev
- The Rosicrucian Enlightenment Revisited Edited by Ralph White
- A Rosicrucian Soul: The Life Journey of Paul Marshall Allen Russell Pooler
- A Royal Ring of Gold: Stories from the Life of Mungo Eileen Dunlop
- The Russian Idea Nikolai Berdyaev
- Saint Paul: Challenges for Contemporary Thinkers Michael Tapp
- Saint Paul: Life, Epistles and Teaching Emil Bock; Translated by Maria St Goar
- Saints of Northumbria Edited by Iain MacDonald
- Sea-Road of the Saints: Celtic Holy Men in the Hebrides John Marsden
- The Secret Heresy of Hieronymus Bosch Lynda Harris
- Seeing Christ in Sickness and Healing Peter Selg; Translated by Christian von Arnim
- Seven Sacraments in the Christian Community Evelyn Capel and Tom Ravetz
- The Shifty Lad and the Tales He Told: Celtic Folk Stories retold by P. L. Snow P. L. Snow
- Six Pillars: Introductions to the Works of Sri Aurobindo Edited by Robert McDermott
- The Sixfold Path: Six Simple Exercises for Spiritual Development Joop van Dam; Translated by Otto Koene
- Sophia, The Wisdom of God: An Outline of Sophiology Sergii Bulgakov
- The Soul of Russia: Magical Traditions in an Enchanted Landscape Cherry Gilchrist
- Sources of the Grail Edited by John Matthews
- The Spirit of Modern India: Writings in Philosophy, Religion, and Culture Edited by Robert McDermott and Vishwanath S. Naravane
- Spiritual Turning Points of North American History Luigi Morelli
- Spiritual Turning Points of South American History Luigi Morelli
- A Star to Guide Me: Illustrated Prayers for Children Illustrated by Ruthild Busch-Schumann
- Sun and Cross: From Megalithic Culture to Early Christianity in Ireland Jakob Streit; Translated by Hugh Latham
- The Sun Dances: Prayers and Blessings from the Gaelic Compiled by Alexander Carmichael; Introduction by Adam Bittleston
- Taco Bay: His Life and Work Deborah Ravetz
- Theosophia: Hidden Dimensions of Christianity Arthur Versluis
- Thou Harp of My Music: Love Songs from the Gaelic Edited by Alexander Carmichael
- Though You Die: Death and Life Beyond Death Stanley Drake; Peter van Breda
- The Three Years: The Life of Christ Between Baptism and Ascension Emil Bock
- The Time of Christ: A Chronology of the Incarnation Ormond Edwards
- To Hear the Angels Sing Dorothy Maclean
- The Trinity Hans-Werner Schroeder; Translated by Eva Knausenberger
- Turning: Words Heard from Within Claire Blatchford
- The Two Children: A Study of the Two Jesus Children in Literature and Art David Ovason
- Vladimir Soloviev: Russian Mystic Paul M. Allen
- War, Progress and the End of History: Three Conversations including a Short Tale of the Antichrist Vladimir Solovyov
- What One Sees Without Eyes: Selected Writings of Jacques Lusseyran Jacques Lusseyran
- When Was Anno Domini?: Dating the Millennium Ormond Edwards
- Who Killed the Holy Ghost?: A Journalist Reports on the Holy Spirit Rufus Goodwin
- Why Jesus Didn't Marry Mary Magdalene: A Short History of Esoteric Christianity John van Schaik; Translated by George Hall
- The Will of Divine Love: Centering Prayer and Spiritual Psychology Kess Frey
- Willibrord, a Wandering Saint in Dialog with his Friends: An Example of Historical and Spiritual Insights for Storytelling of Saints' Legends Frans Lutters
- Within the Hollow Hills: An Anthology of New Celtic Writing Edited by John Matthews