Steiner-Waldorf Education
Sue Palmer puts forward a passionate case for Britain adopting a proper 'kindergarten' stage that recognises ... Read more
Active Arithmetic!: Movement and Mathematics Teaching in the Lower Grades of a Waldorf School
Henning Anderson; Translated by Archie Duncanson and Verner PedersenExplores techniques for making maths lessons more engaging ... Read more
The Age of Revolution
Charles KovacsAn overview of world history from the 18th to 20th centuries, including the French, American and Industrial Revolutions. A resource for Steiner-Waldorf teachers of Class 8 (age 13-14).... Read more
A little booklet that offers simple but effective techniques to help children make sense of difficult English spelling.... Read more
A student's maths workbook for Class 6 (age 12-13), with room for working, covering all essential topics for that year.... Read more
Out of print
- 25 Chorales by JS Bach for Recorder Ensemble Steve Bernstein
- Active Arithmetic!: Movement and Mathematics Teaching in the Lower Grades of a Waldorf School Henning Anderson; Translated by Archie Duncanson and Verner Pedersen
- The Age of Discovery Charles Kovacs
- The Age of Discovery Charles Kovacs
- The Alpha Beta Book: An Introduction to Ancient Greek Keith McCrary
- At the Hot Gates: An Account of the Battle of Thermopylae Donald Samson
- At the Hot Gates: An Account of the Battle of Thermopylae Donald Samson
- Beginning Well: Care For The Child From Birth to Age Three Pia Dögl, Elke Maria Rischke and Ute Strub; Translated by Steve Gander
- The Builders of Camphill: Lives and Destinies of the Founders Edited by Friedwart Bock
- A Candle on the Hill: Images of Camphill Life Edited by Cornelius Pietzner; Foreword by Laurens van der Post
- The Care and Development of the Human Senses: Rudolf Steiner's work on the significance of the senses in education Willi Aeppli; Translated by Valerie Freilich
- Chemistry for Waldorf Middle Schools: Grades Six, Seven and Eight: A Compendium of Phenomenological Experiments Robert Sonner
- The Child from Birth to Three in Waldorf Education and Child Care Edited by Rainer Patzlaff and Susan Howard; Translated by Margot M. Saar
- The Children of the Curative Education Course Wilhelm Uhlenhoff; Translated by Marguerite A. Wood and Vagn H. Madsen
- Children with a Difference: The Background of Steiner Special Education Walter Holtzapfel; Translated by John and Marguerite Wood
- Children with Special Needs: Rudolf Steiner's Approach Michael Luxford
- Christmas Edited by Helmut von Kügelgen
- Clothing the Play: The Art and Craft of Stage Design Roswitha Spence
- Completing the Circle Thomas Poplawski
- Creating a Circle of Collaborative Spiritual Leadership Edited by Roberto Trostli
- Creating a Home for Body, Soul, and Spirit: A New Approach to Childcare Bernadette Raichle
- Creating Connections: Perspectives on Parent-and-Child Work in Waldorf Early Childhood Education Edited by Kimberley Lewis and Susan Weber
- The Curriculum of the First Waldorf School Caroline von Heydebrand; Translated by Eileen M. Hutchins
- Dancing Hand, Trotting Pony: Hand Gesture Games, Songs and Movement Games for Children in Kindergarten and the Lower Grades Wilma Ellersiek; Translated by Lyn and Kundry Willwerth
- A Day Full of Song: Work Songs from a Waldorf Kindergarten Karen Lonsky; Illustrated by Victoria Sander
- A Deeper Understanding of the Waldorf Kindergarten: Articles from the Waldorf Kindergarten Newsletter 1981-1992: Volume 2 Edited by Susan Howard
- Developing the Observing Eye: Teacher Observation and Assessment in Early Childhood Education Cynthia Murphy-Lang
- Do You Love Your Teachers?: Memoir of a Waldorf Teacher Eric G. Müller
- The Dream Song of Olaf Asteson: An Ancient Norwegian Folksong of the Holy Nights Original Artwork by Janet Jordan; Introduction by Andrew Welburn; Jonathan Stedall
- Easter Edited by Helmut von Kügelgen
- Educating the Will Michael Howard
- Educating the Will Michael Howard
- Educating through Arts and Crafts: An integrated approach to craft work in Steiner Waldorf schools Edited by Michael Martin
- Education and Beyond: Steiner and the Problems of Modern Society Gilbert J. Childs
- Education for Special Needs: Principles and Practice in Camphill Schools Henning Hansmann
- Education Towards Freedom: Rudolf Steiner Education: A survey of the work of Waldorf Schools throughout the world Frans Carlgren; Foreword by Christopher Clouder; Translated by Joan and Siegfried Rudel
- The Educational Tasks and Content of the Steiner Waldorf Curriculum Edited by Martyn Rawson and Tobias Richter; Translated by Johanna Collis
- Emil and Berta: The Origins of the Waldorf School Movement Sophia Christine Murphy
- Engaged Community: The Challenge of Self-governance in Waldorf Schools Jon McAlice
- An English Manual for the Elementary School Dorothy Harrer
- Eureka! The Life and Times of Archimedes: A Musical Play in One Act John Trevillion; Jeff Spade
- Eurythmy: Rhythm, Dance and Soul Thomas Poplawski
- Evaluation, Homework and Teacher Support Edited by David Mitchell
- Evaluation, Homework and Teacher Support Edited by David Mitchell
- An Exploration into the Destiny of the Waldorf School Movement Frans Lutters; Translated by Philip Mees
- Fairy Tales and Art Mirrored in Human Consciousness Monica Gold
- Finding Your Self: Supporting the Inner Life of the Teacher Torin M. Finser
- Fire the Imagination -- Write On! Dorit Winter
- First Grade Readiness: Resources, Insights and Tools for Waldorf Educators Edited by Nancy Blanning
- First Grade Readiness: Resources, Insights and Tools for Waldorf Educators Edited by Nancy Blanning
- Five Plays for Waldorf Festivals Richard Moore
- From Kindergarten into the Grades: Insights from Rudolf Steiner Edited by Ruth Ker
- A Garden for Kids: More News from Nokken and Helle Heckmann Helle Heckmann
- Gardening Classes at the Waldorf Schools Rudolf Krause; Edited by Nancy F. Holland; Translated by Gisela and Nicholas Franceschelli
- A Gift of Wonder: A True Story Showing School As It Should Be Kim Allsup
- Giving Love, Bringing Joy: A Learning CD Wilma Ellersiek; Connie Mansion
- The Grail Mystery and the Seven Liberal Arts Frans Lutters; Translated by Philip Mees
- A Handbook for Waldorf Class Teachers Edited by Kevin Avison
- Healing Forces in the Word and Its Rhythms: Report Verses in Rudolf Steiner's Art of Education Heinz Müller; Translated by Jesse Darrell
- Hellas: Memory, Reflection, Expectation: Ancient Greek Culture in a New Perspective Willem Frederik Veltman; Translated by Philip Mees
- Holistic Special Education: Camphill Principles and Practice Edited by Robin Jackson
- Homer's Odyssey: A Retelling by Isabel Wyatt Isabel Wyatt
- Homer's Odyssey: A Retelling by Isabel Wyatt Isabel Wyatt
- The Human Organs: Their Functional and Psychological Significance: Liver, Lung, Kidney, Heart Walter Holtzapfel; Translated by Roland Everett
- Immersion Learning: A Travelogue Frans Lutters
- Into the Field: A Guide to Locally Focused Teaching Clare Walker Leslie, John Tallmadge and Tom Wessels
- The Journey of the 'I' into Life: A Final Destination or a Path Towards Freedom? Edited by Nancy Blanning
- Kinesthetic Learning for Adolescents: Learning Through Movement and Eurythmy Leonore Russell
- Language Teaching in Steiner Waldorf Schools: Rudolf Steiner's concept of an integrated approach to language teaching Johannes Kiersch; Translated by Norman Skillen
- Let's Dance and Sing: Rhythmic Games for the Early Childhood Years Freya Jaffke; Translated by Nina Kuettel
- Life Lessons: Reaching Teenagers Through Literature David Sloan
- The Lives of Camphill: An Anthology of the Pioneers Edited by Johannes Surkamp
- Love Edited by Helmut von Kügelgen
- Love as the Source of Education: The Life Work of Helmut von Kügelgen Helmut von Kügelgen; Edited by Susan Howard
- Mathematics Around Us John Blackwood
- Mathematics in Space and Time John Blackwood
- Meeting the Needs of the Child Today: Lectures from the International Waldorf Early Childhood Conference Edited by Nancy Blanning
- Mentoring in Waldorf Early Childhood Education Edited by Nancy Foster
- Merrily We Sing: Original Songs in the Mood of the Fifth Ilian Willwerth
- Michaelmas Edited by Helmut von Kügelgen
- Michaelmas Edited by David Mitchell
- Morality and Ethics in Education Edited by David Mitchell; Translated by Karin diGiacomo
- The Multifaceted Life of Emil Molt Sophia Christine Murphy
- Music from Around the World for Recorders: Ensemble Music for Descant, Alto and Tenor Recorders in Waldorf Schools Michael Preston
- Music from Around the World for Three-Part Recorder Ensembles Michael Preston
- Nokken: A Garden for Children: A Danish Approach to Waldorf-based Child Care Helle Heckmann; Translated by Lone Schmidt
- Nurturing Children and Families: One Model of a Parent/Child Program in a Waldorf School Sarah Baldwin
- Nurturing Children and Families: One Model of a Parent/Child Program in a Waldorf School Sarah Baldwin
- On the Play of the Child: Indications by Rudolf Steiner for Working with Young Children Edited by Freya Jaffke; Translated by Jan-Kees Saltet
- An Overview of the Waldorf Kindergarten: Articles from the Waldorf Kindergarten Newsletter 1981-1992: Volume 1 Edited by Joan Almon
- Painting in Waldorf Education Dick Bruin and Attie Lichthart
- Painting in Waldorf Education Dick Bruin and Attie Lichthart
- Partnerships of Hope: Building Waldorf School Communities Christopher Schaefer
- Pedagogical Theater: Dramaturgy and Performance Practice for the Lower, Middle and High School Arthur M. Pittis
- Physics for Waldorf Middle Schools: Grades Six, Seven and Eight: A Compendium of Phenomenological Experiments Robert Sonner
- Physics is Fun: A Sourcebook for Teachers Roberto Trostli
- Physics is Fun: A Sourcebook for Teachers Roberto Trostli
- Professional Review and Evaluation in Waldorf Early Childhood Education Holly Koteen-Soulé
- Projective Geometry Lawrence Edwards
- The Rainbow Puppet Theater Book: Fourteen Classic Puppet Plays Estelle Bryer; Janene Ping
- Report Verses in Rudolf Steiner's Art of Education: Healing Forces in Words and Their Rhythms Heinz Müller; Translated by Jesse Darrell
- Republican Academies: Rudolf Steiner on self-management, experiential study and self-education in the life of a college of teachers Francis Gladstone
- Rudolf Steiner's Curriculum for Waldorf Schools: An attempt to summarise his indications E. A. Karl Stockmeyer; Edited by Stephen Craddock; Translated by Roland Everett-Zade
- A School as a Living Entity Rea Taylor Gill; Foreword by Torin Finser
- The Second Waldorf Song Book Edited by Brien Masters
- See the Child, Love the Child, Know Yourself: Now Teach! Elan Leibner
- Seeking the Spirit: Whitsun Inspiration for Individuals and Communities Edited by Helmut von Kügelgen
- Sensible Physics Teaching: For Grades Six to Eight Michael D'Aleo and Stephen Edelglass
- Spiritual Insights Edited by Helmut von Kügelgen
- Stories of the Saints Siegwart Knijpenga
- A Student's Workbook for Mathematics in Class 6: A Classroom 10-Pack with Teacher's Answer Booklet Jamie York
- A Student's Workbook for Mathematics in Class 7: A Classroom 10-Pack with Teacher's Answer Booklet Jamie York
- The Sun with Loving Light Edited by Stephen Bloomquist; Illustrated by Pamela Dalton
- The Sun with Loving Light Edited by Stephen Bloomquist; Illustrated by Pamela Dalton
- Teaching Foreign Languages: The Steiner-Waldorf School Approach Erhard Dahl; Translated by Christian von Arnim
- Technology's Rightful Place: Selected Essays Edited by Douglas Gerwin and Patrice Maynard
- The Temperaments and the Arts: Their Relation and Function in Waldorf Pedagogy Magda Lissau
- Three Plays for Small Classes: Robin Hood; The Philosopher's Stone; The Silver Shoes Vivian Jones Schmidt
- Three Plays for Twelfth Grade: King Oedipus Had a Daughter; Cassandra; Flor and Blanchefleur Michael Hedley Burton
- Thy Will Be Done: The Task of the College of Teachers in Waldorf Schools Roberto Trostli
- Toward the Deepening of Waldorf Education Rudolf Steiner
- Towards Creative Teaching: Working with the Curriculum of Classes 1 to 8 in Steiner Waldorf Schools Edited by Martyn Rawson and Brien Masters; Translated by Johanna Collis
- Towards Religious Education: Rudolf Steiner on Religion Teaching and the School Services Edited by Helmut von Kügelgen and Tilde von Eiff; Translated by Johanna Collis
- Transforming History: A New Curriculum for a Planetary Culture William Irwin Thompson
- Understanding Young Children: Excerpts from Lectures by Rudolf Steiner Compiled for the Use of Kindergarten Teachers Edited by Helmut von Kugelgen
- The Waldorf Book of Animal Poetry Edited by David Kennedy
- The Waldorf Book of Poetry: Discover the Power of Imagination Edited by David Kennedy
- Waldorf Education Christopher Clouder and Martyn Rawson
- Waldorf Education: An Introduction for Parents Edited by David Mitchell
- Waldorf Kindergartens Today Edited by Marie-Luise Compani and Peter Lang; Translated by Matthew Barton
- The Waldorf Song Book Compiled by Brien Masters
- A Warm and Gentle Welcome: Nurturing Children from Birth to Age Three Edited by Trice Atchison and Margaret Ris
- Who Is Harry Potter? Frans Lutters; Translated by Philip Mees
- Will-Developed Intelligence: The Handwork and Practical Arts Curriculum in Waldorf Schools David Mitchell and Patricia Livingston
- Working with the Angels: The Young Child and the Spiritual World Edited by Susan Howard
- Working with the Dead Edited by Helmut von Kügelgen
- The World of Fairy Tales: A Path to the Essence of the Young Child through Fairy Tales Daniel Udo de Haes; Translated by Barbara Mees