Philosophy of Human Life
Out of print
- After Capitalism Michael Spence
- After the Clockwork Universe: The Emerging Science and Culture of Integral Society S. J. Goerner
- America's Global Responsibility Jeshayahu Ben-Aharon
- American Philosophy and Rudolf Steiner: Emerson, Thoreau, Peirce, James, Royce, Dewey, Whitehead, Feminism Edited by Robert McDermott
- Animals and People: A Selection of Essays from Orion Magazine Edited by H. Emerson Blake; Foreword by Jane Goodall
- Archetypal Imagination: Glimpses of the Gods in Life and Art Noel Cobb; Introduction by Thomas Moore
- Associative Economics: Spiritual Activity for the Common Good Gary Lamb
- A Barfield Reader: Selections from the Writing of Owen Barfield Edited by G. B. Tennyson
- The Brain is a Boundary: A Journey in Poems to the Boundaries of Lewy Body Dementia Alexander Dreier; Introduction by Arthur Zajonc
- Caspar Hauser: Inertia of the Heart Jakob Wassermann; Foreword by Terry Boardman; Translated by Caroline Newton
- The Creative Cosmos: Towards a Unified Science of Matter, Life and Mind Ervin Laszlo
- Dark Light of the Soul Kathryn Wood Madden
- Dear World, See What I See: My Vegan Path Shanti Urreta
- Destination Eden: Fruitarianism Explained Mango Wodzak
- Developmental Dynamics in Humans and Other Primates: Discovering Evolutionary Principles through Comparative Morphology Jos Verhulst; Foreword by Mark Riegner
- Does It Matter?: The Unsustainable World of the Materialists Graham Dunstan Martin
- Dostoevsky: The Scandal of Reason Maria Nemcová Banerjee
- The Dynamics of Nutrition: The Impulse of Rudolf Steiner's Spiritual Science for a New Nutritional Hygiene Gerhard Schmidt; Translated by Gerald F. Karnow
- Earth and Man Karl König
- Eat Vegan with Me Mary Lawrence
- Ecovillages: A Practical Guide to Sustainable Communities Jan Martin Bang
- Embryogenesis in Myth and Science Thomas J. Weihs
- The End of Money and the Future of Civilization Thomas H. Greco
- The Essential Steiner: Basic Writings of Rudolf Steiner Rudolf Steiner; Edited by Robert A. McDermott
- The Essential Steiner: Basic Writings of Rudolf Steiner Rudolf Steiner; Edited by Robert McDermott
- Finding Work-Life Balance: Achieving Fulfilment at Every Stage of Life Jos van der Brug; Translated by Eduard van der Maas
- Finding Work-Life Balance: Achieving Fulfilment at Every Stage of Life Jos van der Brug; Translated by Eduard van der Maas
- Food Full of Life: Nourishing Body, Soul and Spirit Gill Bacchus
- From Neurons To Notions: Brains, Mind and Meaning Chris Nunn
- Functional Threefoldness: In the Human Organism and Human Society Johannes Rohen
- Gawain and the Grail Quest: Healing the Waste Land in our Time Jeffrey John Dixon
- Goethe and the Power of Rhythm: A Biographical Essay John Michael Barnes
- The Green Snake: An Autobiography Margarita Woloschin; Translated by Peter Stebbing
- Growing Eco-Communities: Practical Ways to Create Sustainability Jan Martin Bang
- Hearing Our Calling: Rethinking Work and the Workplace Gill Coombs
- Homage to Pythagoras: Rediscovering Sacred Science Edited by Christopher Bamford
- How Humanity Came Into Being: The Evolution of Consciousness Martin Lockley and Ryo Morimoto
- The Human Soul Karl König
- In Pursuit of Great Food: A Plant-based Shopping Guide Stewart Rose and Amanda Strombom
- The Intuitive Way of Knowing: A Tribute to Brian Goodwin Edited by David Lambert and Chris Chetland
- The Intuitive Way of Knowing: A Tribute to Brian Goodwin Edited by David Lambert, Chris Chetland and Craig Millar
- John Macmurray: A Biography John E. Costello
- The Life and Times of Rudolf Steiner: Volume 1: People and Places Emil Bock; Translated by Lynda Hepburn
- Living On Purpose: Meaning, Intention and Value Graham Dunstan Martin
- Motivational Methods for Vegan Advocacy: A Clinical Psychology Perspective Casey Taft
- A New Renaissance: Transforming Science, Spirit and Society Edited by David Lorimer and Oliver Robinson
- Nutrition for Enlightened Parenting Marie-Laure Valandro
- Opening Our Moral Eye: Essays, Talks and Poems Embracing Creativity and Community Mary Caroline Richards
- An Optics of Visual Experience Georg Maier
- A Path of Encounter: Meditation, Practice, and the Art of Sensing Jon McAlice
- The Personal World: John Macmurray on Self and Society Edited by Philip Conford; Foreword by Tony Blair
- The Quality of Numbers One to Thirty-one Wolfgang Held; Translated by Matthew Barton
- A Question of Genes: Understanding Life in Context Craig Holdrege
- The Radiance of Being: Complexity, Chaos and the Evolution of Consciousness Allan Combs
- Radical Prince: The Practical Vision of the Prince of Wales David Lorimer
- Reality Through the Looking-Glass: Science and Awareness in the Postmodern World C. J. S. Clarke
- Remembering Heraclitus: The Philosopher of Riddles Richard Geldard
- Representative Men: In the Light of Anthroposophy T. H. Meyer; Translated by Carla Vlad
- Rhythms of the Week: And Other Explorations of Time Wolfgang Held; Translated by Matthew Barton
- Riding on the Power of Others: A Horsewoman's Path to Unconditional Love Ren Hurst
- Rudolf Steiner: His Life and Work Gilbert J. Childs
- Rudolf Steiner on Nutrition and Stimulants: Lectures and Extracts Rudolf Steiner; Edited by Katherine Castelliz and Barbara Saunders-Davies
- Rudolf Steiner's Philosophy: And the Crisis of Contemporary Thought Andrew Welburn
- Rudolf Steiner's Philosophy: And the Crisis of Contemporary Thought Andrew Welburn
- Sakhnin: Portrait of an Environmental Peace Project in Israel Jan Martin Bang
- Science and the Paranormal: Altered States of Reality Arthur J. Ellison; Foreword by David Fontana
- Sekem: A Sustainable Community in the Egyptian Desert Ibrahim Abouleish; Photography by Markus Kirchgessner
- Simple Vegan Comfort Food: From the Café Indigo Kitchen Patti Dann
- Sir George Trevelyan: And the New Spiritual Awakening Frances Farrer
- The Skinny on Soy Marie Oser
- Slow Counseling: Emphasize the Healing Power of Relationships Edited by David Tresemer
- The Spiritual Teachings of Ralph Waldo Emerson Richard Geldard
- Stages of Consciousness: Meditations on the Boundaries of the Soul Georg Kühlewind
- Steinerian Economics: A Compendium Edited by Gary Lamb and Sarah Hearn
- Sustainable Society: Making Business, Government and Money Work Again Rudolf Isler; Translated by Matthew Barton
- Sustainable Society: Making Business, Government and Money Work Again Rudolf Isler; Translated by Matthew Barton
- Symbols of Eternity: Landmarks for a Soul Journey Malcolm Stewart
- Synchronicity: Science, Myth and the Trickster Allan Combs and Mark Holland
- They All Had Eyes: Confessions of a Vivisectionist Michael Slusher
- Thinking Beyond Darwin: The Type as a Key to Vertebrate Evolution Ernst-Michael Kranich
- Thinking Beyond the Brain: A Wider Science of Consciousness Edited by David Lorimer
- The Third Culture: Participatory Science as the Basis for a Healing Culture John Michael Barnes
- To Eat with Grace: A Selection of Essays from Orion Magazine Edited by H. Emerson Blake; Foreword by Darra Goldstein
- Understanding Mammals: Threefoldness and Diversity: Volumes 1 and 2 Wolfgang Schad; Translated by Catherine Creeger; Mark Riegner
- An Unknown Destiny: Terror, Psychotherapy, and Modern Initiation: Readings in Nietzsche, Heidegger, Steiner Michael Gruber; Foreword by Robert Sardello
- The Veiled Pulse of Time: An Introduction to Biographical Cycles and Destiny William Bryant
- The Veiled Pulse of Time: Life Cycles and Destiny William Bryant
- What One Sees Without Eyes: Selected Writings of Jacques Lusseyran Jacques Lusseyran
- Where Do Ideas Come From?: The Hidden Dimension of Creative Thinking Itzhak Bar Yona
- Will Travel for Vegan Food: A Young Woman's Solo Van-Dwelling Mission to Break Free, Find Food, and Make Love Kristin Lajeunesse; Illustrated by Jacki Graziano
- Wonder and other Survival Skills: A Selection of Essays from Orion Magazine Edited by H. Emerson Blake