Dark Light of the Soul

Kathryn Wood Madden

Out of print

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Explores the journeys of Jacob Boehme and C.G. Jung from the perspective of depth psychology and religion.

216 x 138 mm
Lindisfarne Books
Philosophy of Human Life
272 pages
Publication date:
26 Feb 2009


The author explores the inner journeys of Jacob Boehme, the seventeenth-century Protestant mystic, and C.G. Jung, the twentieth-century depth psychologist. Each was concerned with the immediacy of experience, yet comprehended the importance of spirit as a transforming presence in human life.

Kathryn Wood Madden connects the experiences of these two pioneers. She examines those experiences from the perspective of depth psychology and religion, offering meaningful insights for anyone on a path of inner development, as well as for professionals in clinical settings.


'In this beautifully crafted book, Kathryn Madden shows how traumatic breakdown may turn out to be the first step in a psychological/spiritual breakthrough to a deeper ‘unitary reality’ that supports us all. By exploring the breakthrough experiences of C. G. Jung, Jacob Boehme, and her own clinical cases, she shows how psychotherapeutically mediated contact with this ‘ground of being’ (both immanent and transcendent) can make all the difference in the healing of trauma.'
-- Donald Kalsched, author of The Inner World of Trauma: Archetypal Defenses of the Personal Spirit

'Readers will be grateful to Kathryn Madden for her clear discussion of Jung’s and Boehme’s experiences of and reflections on the nature of unitary reality. Her clinical insight and spiritual response to the otherness that addresses us from this depth, brings light to the life of our souls.'
-- Ann Belford Ulanov, Christiane Brooks Johnson Professor of Psychiatry and Religion, Union Theological Seminary


Dr Kathryn Wood Madden is President and CEO of the Blanton-Peale Institute in New York; coeditor of the Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion; editor of Quadrant: Journal of the C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology; Executive Editor of the Journal of Religion and Health: Psychology, Spirituality and Medicine; and a licensed psychoanalyst of Jungian orientation in private practice.

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