Philosophy of Human Life
Trust in the Future: Facing Uncertain Times With Confidence
Bastiaan Baan; Translated by Philip MeesEsteemed thinker Bastiaan Baan traces humanity's attempts to predict the future and draws on the work of Rudolf Steiner t... Read more
Rhythm and number underpin our lives, from the days of the week to the time of day. This intriguing book explores the o... Read more
The Human Soul
Karl KönigA detailed study of the human psyche, of pain, emotions, moods, the senses, consciousness and dreams.... Read more
Out of print
- After Capitalism Michael Spence
- After the Clockwork Universe: The Emerging Science and Culture of Integral Society S. J. Goerner
- America's Global Responsibility Jeshayahu Ben-Aharon
- American Philosophy and Rudolf Steiner: Emerson, Thoreau, Peirce, James, Royce, Dewey, Whitehead, Feminism Edited by Robert McDermott
- Animals and People: A Selection of Essays from Orion Magazine Edited by H. Emerson Blake; Foreword by Jane Goodall
- Archetypal Imagination: Glimpses of the Gods in Life and Art Noel Cobb; Introduction by Thomas Moore
- Associative Economics: Spiritual Activity for the Common Good Gary Lamb
- A Barfield Reader: Selections from the Writing of Owen Barfield Edited by G. B. Tennyson
- The Brain is a Boundary: A Journey in Poems to the Boundaries of Lewy Body Dementia Alexander Dreier; Introduction by Arthur Zajonc
- Caspar Hauser: Inertia of the Heart Jakob Wassermann; Foreword by Terry Boardman; Translated by Caroline Newton
- The Creative Cosmos: Towards a Unified Science of Matter, Life and Mind Ervin Laszlo
- Dark Light of the Soul Kathryn Wood Madden
- Dear World, See What I See: My Vegan Path Shanti Urreta
- Destination Eden: Fruitarianism Explained Mango Wodzak
- Developmental Dynamics in Humans and Other Primates: Discovering Evolutionary Principles through Comparative Morphology Jos Verhulst; Foreword by Mark Riegner
- Does It Matter?: The Unsustainable World of the Materialists Graham Dunstan Martin
- Dostoevsky: The Scandal of Reason Maria Nemcová Banerjee
- The Dynamics of Nutrition: The Impulse of Rudolf Steiner's Spiritual Science for a New Nutritional Hygiene Gerhard Schmidt; Translated by Gerald F. Karnow
- Earth and Man Karl König
- Eat Vegan with Me Mary Lawrence
- Ecovillages: A Practical Guide to Sustainable Communities Jan Martin Bang
- Embryogenesis in Myth and Science Thomas J. Weihs
- The End of Money and the Future of Civilization Thomas H. Greco
- The Essential Steiner: Basic Writings of Rudolf Steiner Rudolf Steiner; Edited by Robert A. McDermott
- The Essential Steiner: Basic Writings of Rudolf Steiner Rudolf Steiner; Edited by Robert McDermott
- Finding Work-Life Balance: Achieving Fulfilment at Every Stage of Life Jos van der Brug; Translated by Eduard van der Maas
- Finding Work-Life Balance: Achieving Fulfilment at Every Stage of Life Jos van der Brug; Translated by Eduard van der Maas
- Food Full of Life: Nourishing Body, Soul and Spirit Gill Bacchus
- From Neurons To Notions: Brains, Mind and Meaning Chris Nunn
- Functional Threefoldness: In the Human Organism and Human Society Johannes Rohen
- Gawain and the Grail Quest: Healing the Waste Land in our Time Jeffrey John Dixon
- Goethe and the Power of Rhythm: A Biographical Essay John Michael Barnes
- The Green Snake: An Autobiography Margarita Woloschin; Translated by Peter Stebbing
- Growing Eco-Communities: Practical Ways to Create Sustainability Jan Martin Bang
- Hearing Our Calling: Rethinking Work and the Workplace Gill Coombs
- Homage to Pythagoras: Rediscovering Sacred Science Edited by Christopher Bamford
- How Humanity Came Into Being: The Evolution of Consciousness Martin Lockley and Ryo Morimoto
- The Human Soul Karl König
- In Pursuit of Great Food: A Plant-based Shopping Guide Stewart Rose and Amanda Strombom
- The Intuitive Way of Knowing: A Tribute to Brian Goodwin Edited by David Lambert and Chris Chetland
- The Intuitive Way of Knowing: A Tribute to Brian Goodwin Edited by David Lambert, Chris Chetland and Craig Millar
- John Macmurray: A Biography John E. Costello
- The Life and Times of Rudolf Steiner: Volume 1: People and Places Emil Bock; Translated by Lynda Hepburn
- Living On Purpose: Meaning, Intention and Value Graham Dunstan Martin
- Motivational Methods for Vegan Advocacy: A Clinical Psychology Perspective Casey Taft
- A New Renaissance: Transforming Science, Spirit and Society Edited by David Lorimer and Oliver Robinson
- Nutrition for Enlightened Parenting Marie-Laure Valandro
- Opening Our Moral Eye: Essays, Talks and Poems Embracing Creativity and Community Mary Caroline Richards
- An Optics of Visual Experience Georg Maier
- A Path of Encounter: Meditation, Practice, and the Art of Sensing Jon McAlice
- The Personal World: John Macmurray on Self and Society Edited by Philip Conford; Foreword by Tony Blair
- The Quality of Numbers One to Thirty-one Wolfgang Held; Translated by Matthew Barton
- A Question of Genes: Understanding Life in Context Craig Holdrege
- The Radiance of Being: Complexity, Chaos and the Evolution of Consciousness Allan Combs
- Radical Prince: The Practical Vision of the Prince of Wales David Lorimer
- Reality Through the Looking-Glass: Science and Awareness in the Postmodern World C. J. S. Clarke
- Remembering Heraclitus: The Philosopher of Riddles Richard Geldard
- Representative Men: In the Light of Anthroposophy T. H. Meyer; Translated by Carla Vlad
- Rhythms of the Week: And Other Explorations of Time Wolfgang Held; Translated by Matthew Barton
- Riding on the Power of Others: A Horsewoman's Path to Unconditional Love Ren Hurst
- Rudolf Steiner: His Life and Work Gilbert J. Childs
- Rudolf Steiner on Nutrition and Stimulants: Lectures and Extracts Rudolf Steiner; Edited by Katherine Castelliz and Barbara Saunders-Davies
- Rudolf Steiner's Philosophy: And the Crisis of Contemporary Thought Andrew Welburn
- Rudolf Steiner's Philosophy: And the Crisis of Contemporary Thought Andrew Welburn
- Sakhnin: Portrait of an Environmental Peace Project in Israel Jan Martin Bang
- Science and the Paranormal: Altered States of Reality Arthur J. Ellison; Foreword by David Fontana
- Sekem: A Sustainable Community in the Egyptian Desert Ibrahim Abouleish; Photography by Markus Kirchgessner
- Simple Vegan Comfort Food: From the Café Indigo Kitchen Patti Dann
- Sir George Trevelyan: And the New Spiritual Awakening Frances Farrer
- The Skinny on Soy Marie Oser
- Slow Counseling: Emphasize the Healing Power of Relationships Edited by David Tresemer
- The Spiritual Teachings of Ralph Waldo Emerson Richard Geldard
- Stages of Consciousness: Meditations on the Boundaries of the Soul Georg Kühlewind
- Steinerian Economics: A Compendium Edited by Gary Lamb and Sarah Hearn
- Sustainable Society: Making Business, Government and Money Work Again Rudolf Isler; Translated by Matthew Barton
- Sustainable Society: Making Business, Government and Money Work Again Rudolf Isler; Translated by Matthew Barton
- Symbols of Eternity: Landmarks for a Soul Journey Malcolm Stewart
- Synchronicity: Science, Myth and the Trickster Allan Combs and Mark Holland
- They All Had Eyes: Confessions of a Vivisectionist Michael Slusher
- Thinking Beyond Darwin: The Type as a Key to Vertebrate Evolution Ernst-Michael Kranich
- Thinking Beyond the Brain: A Wider Science of Consciousness Edited by David Lorimer
- The Third Culture: Participatory Science as the Basis for a Healing Culture John Michael Barnes
- To Eat with Grace: A Selection of Essays from Orion Magazine Edited by H. Emerson Blake; Foreword by Darra Goldstein
- Understanding Mammals: Threefoldness and Diversity: Volumes 1 and 2 Wolfgang Schad; Translated by Catherine Creeger; Mark Riegner
- An Unknown Destiny: Terror, Psychotherapy, and Modern Initiation: Readings in Nietzsche, Heidegger, Steiner Michael Gruber; Foreword by Robert Sardello
- The Veiled Pulse of Time: An Introduction to Biographical Cycles and Destiny William Bryant
- The Veiled Pulse of Time: Life Cycles and Destiny William Bryant
- What One Sees Without Eyes: Selected Writings of Jacques Lusseyran Jacques Lusseyran
- Where Do Ideas Come From?: The Hidden Dimension of Creative Thinking Itzhak Bar Yona
- Will Travel for Vegan Food: A Young Woman's Solo Van-Dwelling Mission to Break Free, Find Food, and Make Love Kristin Lajeunesse; Illustrated by Jacki Graziano
- Wonder and other Survival Skills: A Selection of Essays from Orion Magazine Edited by H. Emerson Blake