WECAN (Waldorf Early Childhood Association of North America)
A Year in the Woods: Reflections on Leading an Outdoor Parent-and-Child Group
Margaret Madeline LoescherReflective, inspirational chronicle of a year spent leading an outdoor parent-and-child group in England.... Read more
A multitude of resources and insights to help parents and teachers of six- and seven-year-old children.... Read more
Becoming and Belonging: Supporting the Healthy Social-Emotional Development of the Young Child
Edited by Holly Koteen-SouleRespected voices in Waldorf education including Nancy Blanning, Holly Koteen-Soule and Ruth Ker ex... Read more
Out of print
- Beginning Well: Care For The Child From Birth to Age Three Pia Dögl, Elke Maria Rischke and Ute Strub; Translated by Steve Gander
- The Child from Birth to Three in Waldorf Education and Child Care Edited by Rainer Patzlaff and Susan Howard; Translated by Margot M. Saar
- Childhood's Garden: Shaping Everyday Life Around the Needs of Young Children Helle Heckmann; Translated by Tine Schmidt
- Christmas Edited by Helmut von Kügelgen
- Cradle of a Healthy Life: Early Childhood and the Whole of Life Johanna Steegmans and Gerald Karnow
- Creating a Home for Body, Soul, and Spirit: A New Approach to Childcare Bernadette Raichle
- Creating Connections: Perspectives on Parent-and-Child Work in Waldorf Early Childhood Education Edited by Kimberley Lewis and Susan Weber
- Dancing Hand, Trotting Pony: Hand Gesture Games, Songs and Movement Games for Children in Kindergarten and the Lower Grades Wilma Ellersiek; Translated by Lyn and Kundry Willwerth
- A Day Full of Song: Work Songs from a Waldorf Kindergarten Karen Lonsky; Illustrated by Victoria Sander
- A Deeper Understanding of the Waldorf Kindergarten: Articles from the Waldorf Kindergarten Newsletter 1981-1992: Volume 2 Edited by Susan Howard
- The Developing Child: the First Seven Years Edited by Susan Howard
- Easter Edited by Helmut von Kügelgen
- First Grade Readiness: Resources, Insights and Tools for Waldorf Educators Edited by Nancy Blanning
- First Grade Readiness: Resources, Insights and Tools for Waldorf Educators Edited by Nancy Blanning
- First Steps In Natural Dyeing Joan Almon
- From Kindergarten into the Grades: Insights from Rudolf Steiner Edited by Ruth Ker
- A Garden for Kids: More News from Nokken and Helle Heckmann Helle Heckmann
- Giving Love, Bringing Joy: A Learning CD Wilma Ellersiek; Connie Mansion
- The Journey of the 'I' into Life: A Final Destination or a Path Towards Freedom? Edited by Nancy Blanning
- Let's Dance and Sing: Rhythmic Games for the Early Childhood Years Freya Jaffke; Translated by Nina Kuettel
- Love Edited by Helmut von Kügelgen
- Love as the Source of Education: The Life Work of Helmut von Kügelgen Helmut von Kügelgen; Edited by Susan Howard
- Meeting the Needs of the Child Today: Lectures from the International Waldorf Early Childhood Conference Edited by Nancy Blanning
- Mentoring in Waldorf Early Childhood Education Edited by Nancy Foster
- Merrily We Sing: Original Songs in the Mood of the Fifth Ilian Willwerth
- Michaelmas Edited by Helmut von Kügelgen
- Nokken: A Garden for Children: A Danish Approach to Waldorf-based Child Care Helle Heckmann; Translated by Lone Schmidt
- Nurturing Children and Families: One Model of a Parent/Child Program in a Waldorf School Sarah Baldwin
- Nurturing Children and Families: One Model of a Parent/Child Program in a Waldorf School Sarah Baldwin
- On the Play of the Child: Indications by Rudolf Steiner for Working with Young Children Edited by Freya Jaffke; Translated by Jan-Kees Saltet
- An Overview of the Waldorf Kindergarten: Articles from the Waldorf Kindergarten Newsletter 1981-1992: Volume 1 Edited by Joan Almon
- Professional Review and Evaluation in Waldorf Early Childhood Education Holly Koteen-Soulé
- Seeking the Spirit: Whitsun Inspiration for Individuals and Communities Edited by Helmut von Kügelgen
- Sexual Abuse Of Children: Understanding, Prevention, and Treatment Michaela Glöckler
- Spiritual Insights Edited by Helmut von Kügelgen
- Toy Making: Simple Playthings to Make for Children Gun Lee Blue
- Understanding Young Children: Excerpts from Lectures by Rudolf Steiner Compiled for the Use of Kindergarten Teachers Edited by Helmut von Kugelgen
- Walking with Our Children: Parenting as Companion and Guide Nancy Blanning
- A Warm and Gentle Welcome: Nurturing Children from Birth to Age Three Edited by Trice Atchison and Margaret Ris
- Working with the Angels: The Young Child and the Spiritual World Edited by Susan Howard
- Working with the Dead Edited by Helmut von Kügelgen
- The World of Fairy Tales: A Path to the Essence of the Young Child through Fairy Tales Daniel Udo de Haes; Translated by Barbara Mees
- The Young Child in the World Today Edited by Susan Howard