• Posts Tagged ‘Floris Books’

    Celebrate Autumn with a Mild Pumpkin Curry

    by  • 1 September 2017 • Recipes • 0 Comments

    This mild pumpkin curry recipe from Pumpkin Soup and Cherry Bread is perfect for warming up as we move into autumn. Mild Pumpkin Curry Serves a family of 4 – 1 red kuri or butternut squash, or other variety of small pumpkin – 1 sweet potato or carrot – 1 tsp madras curry powder –...

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    Thinking Outside the Brain Box – an alternative neurophilosophy

    by  • 18 August 2017 • Arie Bos, Holistic Health, Non Fiction, Philosophy of Human Life • 0 Comments

    A human being works like highly sophisticated computer with a high-powered processor, known as the brain, at its core. Or so the prevailing worldview in neurophilosophy would have you believe. Arie Bos – a Neurophilosophy expert – seeks to challenge ideas such as these. In this extract from Thinking Outside the Brain Box, Bos...

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    Get the best from your garden with The Moon Gardener’s Almanac

    by  • 11 August 2017 • Gardening, The Moon Gardener's Almanac • 0 Comments

    Every gardener wants their plants and flowers to reach their full potential. Could lunar rhythms be the key to abundant and healthy growth? Jardinez avec la Lune is a gardening staple in its native France, with over 2 million copies sold. The Moon Gardener’s Almanac 2018 makes this practical guide available in English for...

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    Encountering Elemental Beings – Conversations with Karlik

    by  • 10 August 2017 • Anthroposophy, Non Fiction • 0 Comments

    A prolific lecturer, Rudolf Steiner discussed a wide range of topics from spirituality to agriculture. He even lectured on the significance of elemental beings such as gnomes and fairies to our world. Existing in many folk and spiritual traditions some people believe they can engage and communicate with elementals. Ursula Burkhard was one such...

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    Plays for the Festivals of the Year

    by  • 26 July 2017 • Uncategorized • 0 Comments

    This summer Floris Books has published the latest installment in the Karl König archive,  König’s complete dramatic works, Plays for the Festivals of the Year. This anthology contains the complete, original texts of all the plays. Many of our readers, particularly those within Camphill Communities, will already be familiar with König’s dramatic work. Today we’re...

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    Floris Books 40th Birthday

    by  • 5 February 2016 • Floris 40th Birthday, News • 0 Comments

    Officially founded on October 14th, 1976, Floris Books will be forty years old this year. To celebrate, we wanted to share our story with our friends and supporters. While remaining close to its roots, Floris has enjoyed an evolution over the last four decades. Starting as a small dedicated band around a kitchen table,...

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