• Philosophy of Human Life

    Dreaming Ahead of Time: Experiences with Precognitive Dreams, Synchronicity and Coincidence

    by  • 18 January 2022 • Extract, Philosophy of Human Life • 0 Comments

    Can we see the future in our dreams? Does time flow in one direction? What is a ‘meaningful coincidence’?  Renowned esoteric writer Gary Lachman has been recording his own precognitive dreams for forty years. In this unique and intriguing book, Lachman recounts the discovery that he dreams ‘ahead of time’, and argues convincingly that this extraordinary...

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    Step inside “Bridges Between Life and Death” by Iris Paxino

    by  • 21 May 2021 • Extract, Philosophy of Human Life • 0 Comments

    Bridges Between Life and Death by Iris Paxino is a personal and moving book from an experienced psychologist and professional counsellor. This book is full of thoughtful insights that introduce alternative ways of thinking about dying, death and the journey of the soul after life. In the following extract Paxino outlines the connections which...

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    What is ritual?

    by  • 26 July 2018 • Bastiaan Baan, Philosophy of Human Life, Religion, Sources of Religious Worship • 0 Comments

    Different forms of religious worship and ritual are present throughout the development of human beings, from early stone-age ritual, nature religion and ancestor worship, to faiths from which Christianity and the Eucharist emerge. In his latest book Bastiaan Baan explores the origins and metamorphosis of human religion, examining its significance for human life on...

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    Lost Knowledge of the Imagination

    by  • 17 April 2018 • Extract, Gary Lachman, Lost Knowledge of the Imagination, Philosophy of Human Life • 0 Comments

    The explosion of science in the early 17th Century was “a new way of knowing and understanding ourselves and the world we live in”. But did this mean we ultimately forgot about the ‘other’ way of knowing? This paradigm shift is what Gary Lachman identifies as the ‘Lost Knowledge of the Imagination’. In this...

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    Thinking Outside the Brain Box – an alternative neurophilosophy

    by  • 18 August 2017 • Arie Bos, Holistic Health, Non Fiction, Philosophy of Human Life • 0 Comments

    A human being works like highly sophisticated computer with a high-powered processor, known as the brain, at its core. Or so the prevailing worldview in neurophilosophy would have you believe. Arie Bos – a Neurophilosophy expert – seeks to challenge ideas such as these. In this extract from Thinking Outside the Brain Box, Bos...

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