Associative Economics

Spiritual Activity for the Common Good

Gary Lamb

Out of print

Quick Look

  • Associative economics puts human beings at the centre of all economic activity
  • An empowering and responsible approach to money
  • This book offers practical small steps we can all take

A useful introduction to a form of alternative economics based on the ideas of Rudolf Steiner.

216 x 138 mm
Waldorf Publications
Alt-Business; Philosophy of Human Life
b/w illustrations
164 pages
Publication date:
01 Jan 2010


Associative economics is a philosophy of money developed from the ideas of Rudolf Steiner. It places human beings at the centre of all economic activity, replacing the power of unseen 'market forces' with personal freedom and responsibility.

In this comprehensive book, Gary Lamb explains associative economics, its background and principles, and its potential to change our world, along with possible pitfalls. He gives examples of successful projects and offers practical small steps that we can make to improve our situation.

This is a useful introduction to an important form of alternative economics.

Table of Contents

PART ONE: Context and Background

Chapter 1 - The Nature of This Work
Chapter 2 - Rudolf Steiner as Social Reformer and Activist
Chapter 3 - Economic Renewal, Cosmology, and the Meaning of Life

PART TWO: The Threefold Nature of Social Life and Associative Economics

Chapter 4 - The Threefold Nature of Social Life
Chapter 5 - The Fundamental Social Law: A New Foundation for Economic Life
Chapter 6 - The Transformation of the Competitive Market and Capitalism: Building as Associative Economy

PART THREE: Aspects of the Threefold Nature of Social Life and Associative Economics

Chapter 7 - Trans-Sector Economic Associations: Earthly and Spiritual Potentials
Chapter 8 - Freedom, Funding, and Accountability in Education
Chapter 9 - The Economic Necessity for Educational and Cultural Freedom
Chapter 10 - Individual and Cultural Freedom
Chapter 11 - Rights and Single-Payer Systems for Education and Health Care
Chapter 12 - Economic Indices and Basic Human Needs
Chapter 13 - Money and Morality: From Citizens to Supra-Rulers
Chapter 14 - True Price
Chapter 15 - Egoism and Social Life

PART FOUR: From Thoughts to Moral Actions

Chapter 16 - As Associative Relations Audit as a Means of Transformation
Chapter 17 - National Leverage Points
Chapter 18 - Local Leverage Points
Chapter 19 - Aligning Pedagogy and Finance in a Waldorf School
Chapter 20 - From Big Thinking and Small Steps to Systematic Change


Gary Lamb is co-director of the Hawthorne Valley Center for Social Research in New York state. He is a board member for the Institute for Social Renewal and was previously managing editor of The Threefold Review.

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