Celebrating Festivals with Children

Celebrating Festivals with Children

Freya Jaffke; Translated by Matthew Barton
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Describes festival celebrations in relation to child development in the first seven years.... Read more

The Childhood of Jesus: The Unknown Years

The Childhood of Jesus: The Unknown Years

Emil Bock
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An account of the two Jesus children whose destinies would come together at the temple in Jerusalem, and of the remainder of Jesus' childhood up until his baptism.... Read more

Children's Games in Street and Playground

Children's Games in Street and Playground

Iona Opie and Peter Opie
Available (printed to order)

A magnificent survey of over 40 games played by children, largely out of sight of adults, in the 1960s, in the street, playground and wasteland.... Read more

The Christian Year

The Christian Year

Evelyn Francis Capel
Available (printed to order)

A classic book on the spiritual rhythms of the Earth, from the unique insight and wisdom of Evelyn Capel.... Read more

The Cosmic Christ

The Cosmic Christ

Hans-Werner Schroeder; Translated by Jon Madsen
Available (printed to order)

Illuminates the question of the cosmic reality of Christ and his nature in relation to the earth and creation.... Read more

The Death of Merlin: Arthurian Myth and Alchemy

The Death of Merlin: Arthurian Myth and Alchemy

Walter Johannes Stein
Available (printed to order)

Traces the origins of the story of King Arthur and the Grail, and explores the parallels between the quest for the Grail and the medieval search for the... Read more

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