• Posts Tagged ‘Rudolf Steiner’

    The Power of Music

    by  • 28 May 2024 • Camphill, Camphill Community, Extract, Karl Konig, Neurophilosophy, Non Fiction, Spirit of Camphill • 0 Comments

    The power of music is undeniable. Studies have shown that music has the power to enhance learning, strengthen memory, develop emotional intelligence and amplify creativity. Part of the Karl König Archive series, in Music Therapy: Research and Insights Karl König explores the healing power of music by drawing on the work of Rudolph Steiner....

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    The Spirit of Community: The Power of the Sacraments in The Christian Community by Ulrich Meier

    by  • 22 April 2024 • Extract, Philosophy of Human Life, Religion, Steiner Waldorf Education, The Christian Community, The Christian Community • 0 Comments

    The Spirit of Community is for anyone who wishes to deepen their understanding of the sacraments, and help to build a more vibrant church community. Catch a glimpse of Ulrich Meier's insights into the relationship between the individual and community in this extract.

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    Meet the Author – Lory Widmer Hess

    by  • 29 February 2024 • Author Interview, The Christian Community • 0 Comments

    In her candid and courageous book, When Fragments Make a Whole, Lory Widmer Hess describes her experience of inner transformation through her exploration of the healing stories in the gospels. In a unique blend of poetry, commentary and autobiography, she describes how she engaged with and drew inspiration from these stories. Her approach will...

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    When Fragments Make a Whole: A Personal Journey Through Healing Stories in the Bible

    by  • 14 February 2024 • Anthroposophy, Extract, Religion, The Christian Community • 0 Comments

    During a difficult time in her life, writer, editor and longtime student of anthroposophy, Lory Widmer Hess turned to the accounts of Jesus’s work on earth for comfort and inspiration. She wrote poems about the lives of the people who had been touched by Christ and, over several years, added personal reflections that explored...

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    The Biodynamic Movement in Britain: A History of the First 100 Years

    by  • 2 February 2024 • Biodynamics, Extract • 0 Comments

    Biodynamics grew out of Rudolf Steiner’s Agriculture Course, a series of lectures he gave in 1924. It is now an inspirational worldwide movement bringing a uniquely holistic, organic agriculture to farms, vineyards and gardens. In The Biodynamic Movement in Britain: A History of the First 100 Years, Bernard Jarman, former Director of the Biodynamic...

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    Encounters: Moments of Destiny in the Bible

    by  • 31 August 2023 • Extract, Religion • 0 Comments

    Events in the Bible rarely follow an orderly course. For many of the figures whose stories it tells, their fortunes often turn, for good or bad, on important encounters with other people and with divine beings. In these moments of destiny, individuals discover something new and remarkable that changes the course of their lives....

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    Perspectives on a Century: A Compendium of 100 Years of The Christian Community Journal

    by  • 26 January 2022 • Extract, Religion, The Christian Community • 0 Comments

    Perspectives on a Century cover image

    A century ago in central Europe, a small group of Rudolf Steiner’s theology students, with the help of Steiner himself, established The Christian Community as a movement for religious renewal. From its founding they published a regular journal containing articles from the movement’s key figures, including Emil Bock, Evelyn Capel, Alfred Heidenreich and Rudolf...

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    Exploring “Eurythmy and Rudolf Steiner”

    by  • 14 July 2021 • Extract, Non Fiction • 0 Comments

    Eurythmy and Rudolf Steiner: Origins and Development 1912-39 by Tatiana Kisseleff is a first-hand account of the origins of the eurythmy movement. Kisseleff describes the spiritual foundations of eurythmy as they were explored in Steiner’s lectures and recounts the instruction she received from him.  This is both an eyewitness account of the origins of...

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