• Guest Blog: Creative Discipline by Lou Harvey-Zahra

    by  • 15 May 2016 • Child Health and Parenting • 0 Comments

    Harvey-ZahraCreative Discipline,Connected Family

    Lou Harvey-Zahra’s book, Creative Discipline, Connected Family, is full of practical and inspiring ideas to change challenging family moments with a smile rather than a growl. Have a go at some of her top tips…

    book - teethg tales

    Struggles with cleaning teeth: Whilst cleaning your child’s teeth, tell a story of what each tooth did that day, “This tooth ate toast for breakfast, this tooth played with the wooden blocks…”
    Why it works: Children like to hear about themselves and teeth cleaning becomes a connection game.

    Young child who refuses to go to bed: Find a fun way to get to the bedroom as a night time routine. A shoulder ride, “The plane needs to go back to the airport”; or ride pretend motorbikes to the garage or horses to the stable.
    Why it works: Young children like movement games.

    Child who repeatedly uses a whining or disrespectful voice: Use humour, “Where has your strong/respectful voice gone?” “Is it behind the sofa, under the table?” Role-model the correct voice and only respond to an appropriate tone. When our teenagers raise their voices, my husband jokingly says, “I can’t hear you, speak louder!” He means “I will not listen until you speak appropriately”.
    Why it works: Humour is fun, children can close off to nagging and shouting at times.

    Child who avoids eating fruit and vegetables: Create a happy picture face plate: banana for the mouth, strawberries for eyes, carrot sticks for hair, and cucumber circles for ears…
    Why it works: Young children find eating a picture plate funny and a little magical.

    book fruit and veg
    Young child who won’t share: Practise sharing and turn taking skills with teddy on a play mat. “Teddy’s turn, Jenny’s turn, Mummy’s turn…” Use a timer for turns (the oven timer works well!). Before a play date ask the child to choose special toys to put up high, and agree to share the other toys.
    Why it works: Children learn through imaginative games and role-play.

    Lou Harvy-Zahra is the author of the bestselling Happy Child, Happy Home and Creative Discipline, Connected Family. Visit her website, www.skiptomylouparenting.com, and sign up to her newsletter which has free play, craft and Creative Discipline tips each month.

    HarveyZahraHappyChildHappyHome HarveyZahraHappyChildCreativeDiscipline


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