Guardians of the Wild Unicorns
Lindsay LittlesoneBook
Best friends Lewis and Rhona are caught up in a dangerous adventure to save the world's last herd of wild unicorns. Fighting against dark forces, battling the wild landscape... Read more
Haki the Shetland Pony
Kathleen FidlereBook
Haki and his owner Adam leave their croft in the Shetland Islands of Scotland and join a travelling circus. A classic children's novel from much-loved author Kathleen Fidler.... Read more
Happy Child, Happy Home: Conscious Parenting and Creative Discipline
Lou Harvey-ZahraeBook
A practical and inspiring book which introduces 'conscious parenting' to help make any family home more harmonious.... Read more
Healing for Body, Soul and Spirit: An Introduction to Anthroposophic Medicine
Michael Evans and Iain RodgereBook
A readable overview of the ideas and practices of anthroposophic medicine.... Read more
Hearing Our Calling: Rethinking Work and the Workplace
Gill CoombseBook
Explores whether it's possible to develop a world of work which is fulfilling and healthy, and how we each need to hear our calling.... Read more