Esma Farouk, Lost in the Souk

Esma Farouk, Lost in the Souk

Lisa Boersen and Hasna Elbaamrani; Illustrated by Annelies Vandenbosch
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Esma is excited to visit the souk on a family trip to Morocco, but the huge market is an easy place to get lost! Can she ... Read more

Esoteric Physiology: Consciousness and Disease

Esoteric Physiology: Consciousness and Disease

Dennis Klocek
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A comprehensive owner's manual for the human body, discussing human physiology and the hidden life forces and processes that sustain life on Earth.... Read more

The Essentials of Nutrition

The Essentials of Nutrition

Gerhard Schmidt; Translated by William M. Riggins
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Discusses nutrition in practice, including milk, protein, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins.... Read more

A concise but informative guide to the three main strands of eurythmy: performance, education and therapy.... Read more

Eurythmy: A Short Introduction to Educational, Therapeutic and Performance Eurythmy

Eurythmy: A Short Introduction to Educational, Therapeutic and Performance Eurythmy

Thomas Poplawski

A concise but informative guide to the three main strands of eurythmy: performance, education and therapy.... Read more

Eurythmy and Rudolf Steiner: Origins and Development 1912-39

Eurythmy and Rudolf Steiner: Origins and Development 1912-39

Tatiana Kisseleff; Translated by Dorothea Mier

An insightful, fully illustrated account of the beginnings of eurythmy from a pioneer of the movement who studied ... Read more

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