Free from Dogma: Theological Reflections in the Christian Community

Free from Dogma: Theological Reflections in the Christian Community

Tom Ravetz
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How does The Christian Community, which doesn't demand adherence to a doctrine or creed, answer the great spiritual and religious questions?... Read more

Genesis: Creation and the Patriarchs

Genesis: Creation and the Patriarchs

Emil Bock
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Interprets the majestic events of Genesis for our modern-day understanding.... Read more

The Global Brain: The Awakening Earth in a New Century

The Global Brain: The Awakening Earth in a New Century

Peter Russell
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Peter Russell argues that global communications and the internet are helping to link the minds of humanity together to form a single, global brain and co... Read more

The Golden Age of Chartres: The Teachings of a Mystery School and the Eternal Feminine

The Golden Age of Chartres: The Teachings of a Mystery School and the Eternal Feminine

René M. Querido
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Explores the history of the famous cathedral as part of the School of Chartres through its great teachers Fulber... Read more

Grow Small, Think Beautiful: Ideas for a Sustainable World from Schumacher College

Grow Small, Think Beautiful: Ideas for a Sustainable World from Schumacher College

Edited by Stephan Harding
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A collection of essays on sustainable solutions to the current global crisis, from Schumacher College.... Read more

The Harmony of the Human Body: Musical Principles in Human Physiology

The Harmony of the Human Body: Musical Principles in Human Physiology

Armin Husemann
Available (printed to order)

Applies musical principles to gain insight into the structure and development of the human body, and explores the cosmic origins of human... Read more

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