Museum Mystery Squad and the Case of the Moving Mammoth

Museum Mystery Squad and the Case of the Moving Mammoth

Mike Nicholson; Illustrated by Mike Phillips
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The Museum Mystery Squad investigates the case of a shifting stuffed prehistoric animal. Can they sift through the clues ... Read more

Museum Mystery Squad and the Case of the Roman Riddle

Museum Mystery Squad and the Case of the Roman Riddle

Mike Nicholson; Illustrated by Mike Phillips
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Strange lights, eerie sounds -- there's something spooky happening with a Roman helmet. Join the Museum Mystery Squad as th... Read more

Museum Mystery Squad and the Case of the Roman Riddle

Museum Mystery Squad and the Case of the Roman Riddle

Mike Nicholson; Illustrated by Mike Phillips

Strange lights, eerie sounds -- there's something spooky happening with a Roman helmet. Join the Museum Mystery Squad as th... Read more

Museum Mystery Squad and the Case of the Vanishing Viking

Museum Mystery Squad and the Case of the Vanishing Viking

Mike Nicholson; Illustrated by Mike Phillips

In the Case of the Vanishing Viking, the Museum Mystery Squad investigate legendary longboats, rare runes and hidden ho... Read more

Museum Mystery Squad and the Case of the Vanishing Viking

Museum Mystery Squad and the Case of the Vanishing Viking

Mike Nicholson; Illustrated by Mike Phillips
Available to buy

In the Case of the Vanishing Viking, the Museum Mystery Squad investigate legendary longboats, rare runes and hidden ho... Read more

Museum Mystery Squad Books 1 to 3: The Cases of the Moving Mammoth, Hidden Hieroglyphics and Curious Coins

Museum Mystery Squad Books 1 to 3: The Cases of the Moving Mammoth, Hidden Hieroglyphics and Curious Coins

Mike Nicholson; Illustrated by Phillips

Solve mysteries and crack clues in this ebook-exclusive omnibus of books 1,... Read more

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