Hairy Hettie: The Highland Cow Who Needs a Haircut!

Hairy Hettie: The Highland Cow Who Needs a Haircut!

Illustrated by Jo Allan; Polly Lawson
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When blackbirds, butterflies, a squirrel and a hare decide to make their homes in Hettie the Highland Cow's long hair, it might be t... Read more

Haki the Shetland Pony

Haki the Shetland Pony

Kathleen Fidler

Haki and his owner Adam leave their croft in the Shetland Islands of Scotland and join a travelling circus. A classic children's novel from much-loved author Kathleen Fidler.... Read more

Haki the Shetland Pony

Haki the Shetland Pony

Kathleen Fidler
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Haki and his owner Adam leave their croft in the Shetland Islands of Scotland and join a travelling circus. A classic children's novel from much-loved author Kathleen Fidler.... Read more

Halima, Superhero Princess

Halima, Superhero Princess

Emily Joof; Illustrated by Asa Gilland
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Halima is a young Black girl who overcomes her self-doubt, rooted in feeling different from her white friends, and discovers her inner superhero princess. A... Read more

A Handbook for Steiner-Waldorf Class Teachers

A Handbook for Steiner-Waldorf Class Teachers

Kevin Avison
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A useful and practical resource book for Steiner-Waldorf teachers with detailed suggestions and checklists for Classes 1-8.... Read more

Hannah on the Farm

Hannah on the Farm

Marjan van Zeyl
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Hannah the hen spends a whole day on the farm looking for a quiet place to lay her eggs. A board book for very young children with lively illustrations in a classic style.... Read more

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