Eurythmy and Rudolf Steiner: Origins and Development 1912-39

Eurythmy and Rudolf Steiner: Origins and Development 1912-39

Tatiana Kisseleff; Translated by Dorothea Mier
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An insightful, fully illustrated account of the beginnings of eurythmy from a pioneer of the movement who studied ... Read more

Evie and the Strawberry Balloon Ride

Evie and the Strawberry Balloon Ride

Stefanie Dahle
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Evie the Strawberry Fairy wants to win a prize for her amazing hot-air balloon. But when the creatures of Wildberry Acres need her, she is forced to choose between winnin... Read more

Evie and the Strawberry Patch Rescue

Evie and the Strawberry Patch Rescue

Stefanie Dahle
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When Evie, the bright, determined Strawberry Fairy, finds her strawberry patch flooded she needs to find somewhere for her plants to live. With the help of her friends, E... Read more

Evie and the Strawberry Surprise

Evie and the Strawberry Surprise

Stefanie Dahle
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Something strange is happening in Wildberry Acres, and Evie's friends blame their new neighbour. Can Evie find out the truth and make a new friend at the same time? Third in ... Read more

An inspiring book for teachers about working with clay with their students, full of wonderful ideas and g... Read more

Facing the World With Soul: The Reimagination of Modern Life

Facing the World With Soul: The Reimagination of Modern Life

Robert Sardello
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In this new edition of a classic work, Robert Sardello offers a new approach to daily life through concentration, meditation, imagination and con... Read more

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