Coming Home: The Birth and Transformation of the Planetary Era

Coming Home: The Birth and Transformation of the Planetary Era

Sean M. Kelly
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Describes the phase in which the earth now finds itself, the Planetary Era, and explores its history and future relevance.... Read more

The Coming of the Unicorn: Scottish Folk Tales for Children

The Coming of the Unicorn: Scottish Folk Tales for Children

Duncan Williamson; Edited by Linda Williamson

A wonderful collection of traditional Scottish stories for children, full of animals and ogres, kings and broonies, ... Read more

Communities for Tomorrow

Communities for Tomorrow

Edited by Richard Steel
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How can we connect meaningfully with our fellow human beings and build successful communities, whilst also cultivating a healthy individuality? Contributions come from a Goe... Read more

Community Care and Inclusion for People with an Intellectual Disability

Community Care and Inclusion for People with an Intellectual Disability

Edited by Robin Jackson and Maria Lyons

A critical overview of the policy of community care for people with special needs.... Read more

Companion Plants and How to Use Them

Companion Plants and How to Use Them

Helen Philbrick and Richard B. Gregg; Introduction by Herbert H. Koepf

A detailed and comprehensive A-Z reference book of plants and how they affect each other favourably and unfavourab... Read more

Companion Plants: An A to Z for Gardeners and Farmers

Companion Plants: An A to Z for Gardeners and Farmers

Helen Philbrick and Richard B. Gregg; Introduction by Herbert H. Koepf
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A detailed and comprehensive A-Z reference book of plants and how they affect each other favourab... Read more

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