Buddhism and Veganism: Essays Connecting Spiritual Awakening and Animal Liberation

Buddhism and Veganism: Essays Connecting Spiritual Awakening and Animal Liberation

Edited by Will Tuttle
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Explores the connection between Buddhism and veganism, asking whether one requires the other and how they can reinfor... Read more

The Bumblebee Garden

The Bumblebee Garden

Dawn Casey; Illustrated by Stella Lim
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Ben helps in Grandpa's garden through the year and learns all about the life cycle of the bumblebees. This charming picture book highlights the importance of bee c... Read more

The Bumblebee Garden

The Bumblebee Garden

Dawn Casey; Illustrated by Stella Lim
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Ben helps in Grandpa's garden through the year and learns all about the life cycle of the bumblebees. This charming picture book highlights the importance of bee c... Read more

The Calendar of the Soul: A Commentary

The Calendar of the Soul: A Commentary

Karl König; Edited by Richard Steel; Translated by Simon Blaxland de Lange
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König's meditations on the 52 weekly verses of Rudolf Steiner's Calendar of the Soul.... Read more

Calm Kids: Help Children Relax with Mindful Activities

Calm Kids: Help Children Relax with Mindful Activities

Lorraine E. Murray

Practical guidance for parents and teachers on how to help children with behavioural and attention difficulties.... Read more

Calm Kids: Help Children Relax with Mindful Activities

Calm Kids: Help Children Relax with Mindful Activities

Lorraine E. Murray
Available to buy

Practical guidance for parents and teachers on how to help children with behavioural and attention difficulties.... Read more

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