Anthroposophical Therapeutic Speech

Anthroposophical Therapeutic Speech

Barbara Denjean-von Stryk and Dietrich von Bonin; Translated by Marianne Krampe
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Written for speech therapists and doctors, this book gives a precise, practical summary of anthroposophica... Read more

The Apocalypse of Saint John

The Apocalypse of Saint John

Emil Bock; Translated by Alfred Heidenreich
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A profound interpretation of John's rich pictorial language, addressing the issue of spiritual development.... Read more

The Archetypal Cosmos: Rediscovering the Gods in Myth, Science and Astrology

The Archetypal Cosmos: Rediscovering the Gods in Myth, Science and Astrology

Keiron Le Grice
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A new understanding of the role of myth and archetypal principles in our lives, based on the insights of a new cosmology.... Read more

Arts and Crafts in Waldorf Schools: An Integrated Approach

Arts and Crafts in Waldorf Schools: An Integrated Approach

Edited by Michael Martin; Foreword by Wolfgang Schad
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Written by experienced Waldorf craft teachers, this comprehensive book presents many ideas for craft-based cla... Read more

The Ascent of Man

The Ascent of Man

Eleanor C. Merry
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A wide-ranging survey of the major ancient civilizations, religions and thinkers of the world, drawing out their key qualities and tracing the journey of humankind towards the twentieth c... Read more

The Beginnings of Christianity: Essene Mystery, Gnostic Revelation and the Christian Vision

The Beginnings of Christianity: Essene Mystery, Gnostic Revelation and the Christian Vision

Andrew Welburn
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Rediscovers the spiritual world and meaning of the early years of the Christian era.... Read more

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