Artie Conan Doyle and the Gravediggers' Club

Artie Conan Doyle and the Gravediggers' Club

Robert J. Harris
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Before the world meets Sherlock Homes, twelve-year-old Artie Conan Doyle has his own mysteries to solve. Will Artie survive encounters with graveyards, hounds a... Read more

Artie Conan Doyle and the Gravediggers' Club

Artie Conan Doyle and the Gravediggers' Club

Robert J. Harris

Before the world meets Sherlock Homes, twelve-year-old Artie Conan Doyle has his own mysteries to solve. Will Artie survive encounters with graveyards, hounds a... Read more

Artie Conan Doyle and the Scarlet Phantom

Artie Conan Doyle and the Scarlet Phantom

Robert J. Harris
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Before the world meets Sherlock Homes, twelve-year-old Artie Conan Doyle has his own mysteries to solve. A mysterious jewel thief seems to walk through walls and d... Read more

Artie Conan Doyle and the Scarlet Phantom

Artie Conan Doyle and the Scarlet Phantom

Robert J. Harris

Before the world meets Sherlock Homes, twelve-year-old Artie Conan Doyle has his own mysteries to solve. A mysterious jewel thief seems to walk through walls and d... Read more

Artie Conan Doyle and the Vanishing Dragon

Artie Conan Doyle and the Vanishing Dragon

Robert J. Harris

Before the world meets Sherlock Homes, twelve-year-old Artie Conan Doyle has his own mysteries to solve. A giant dragon has been stolen from a world-famous magici... Read more

Astrid Lindgren's Tomten Tales: The Tomten and The Tomten and the Fox

Astrid Lindgren's Tomten Tales: The Tomten and The Tomten and the Fox

Astrid Lindgren; Illustrated by Harald Wiberg
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Collector's combined edition of Astrid Lindgren's two classic Tomten tales, The Tomten & The Tomten an... Read more

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