The Rose of the World

Daniel Andreev

Out of print

Quick Look

Written in a Stalin prison camp, Andreev explores future spiritual visions of the world.

240 x 150 mm
Lindisfarne Books
Religion & Spirituality
384 pages
Publication date:
01 Jan 1998


Written in a Stalin prison camp, Andreev explores future spiritual visions of the world.


'This is a remarkable book. Daniel Andreev was arrested during Stalin's persecutions and sent to a labour camp in 1947. Whilst in prison he managed to write -- and conceal -- The Rose of the World, which could not be published until 1989. The work itself begins with a future picture -- remember this was written in the 1950s -- of an increasingly "globalised" world, under the threat of a global dictator. In order to combat this, a far greater and all-embracing "church" must arise, the Rose of the World … It is not an easy work to digest, but one that will repay the effort of reading with its rich and individual insights, and through which, above all, the humanity and spiritual striving of the long-suffering man himself shines, to contribute not only to the evolution of the Russian peoples but to the whole world.'
-- Margaret Jonas, New View, Spring 2002

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