Steiner-Waldorf Education
Out of print
- 25 Chorales by JS Bach for Recorder Ensemble Steve Bernstein
- Active Arithmetic!: Movement and Mathematics Teaching in the Lower Grades of a Waldorf School Henning Anderson; Translated by Archie Duncanson and Verner Pedersen
- The Age of Discovery Charles Kovacs
- The Age of Discovery Charles Kovacs
- The Alpha Beta Book: An Introduction to Ancient Greek Keith McCrary
- At the Hot Gates: An Account of the Battle of Thermopylae Donald Samson
- At the Hot Gates: An Account of the Battle of Thermopylae Donald Samson
- Beginning Well: Care For The Child From Birth to Age Three Pia Dögl, Elke Maria Rischke and Ute Strub; Translated by Steve Gander
- The Builders of Camphill: Lives and Destinies of the Founders Edited by Friedwart Bock
- A Candle on the Hill: Images of Camphill Life Edited by Cornelius Pietzner; Foreword by Laurens van der Post
- The Care and Development of the Human Senses: Rudolf Steiner's work on the significance of the senses in education Willi Aeppli; Translated by Valerie Freilich
- Chemistry for Waldorf Middle Schools: Grades Six, Seven and Eight: A Compendium of Phenomenological Experiments Robert Sonner
- The Child from Birth to Three in Waldorf Education and Child Care Edited by Rainer Patzlaff and Susan Howard; Translated by Margot M. Saar
- The Children of the Curative Education Course Wilhelm Uhlenhoff; Translated by Marguerite A. Wood and Vagn H. Madsen
- Children with a Difference: The Background of Steiner Special Education Walter Holtzapfel; Translated by John and Marguerite Wood
- Children with Special Needs: Rudolf Steiner's Approach Michael Luxford
- Christmas Edited by Helmut von Kügelgen
- Clothing the Play: The Art and Craft of Stage Design Roswitha Spence
- Completing the Circle Thomas Poplawski
- Creating a Circle of Collaborative Spiritual Leadership Edited by Roberto Trostli
- Creating a Home for Body, Soul, and Spirit: A New Approach to Childcare Bernadette Raichle
- Creating Connections: Perspectives on Parent-and-Child Work in Waldorf Early Childhood Education Edited by Kimberley Lewis and Susan Weber
- The Curriculum of the First Waldorf School Caroline von Heydebrand; Translated by Eileen M. Hutchins
- Dancing Hand, Trotting Pony: Hand Gesture Games, Songs and Movement Games for Children in Kindergarten and the Lower Grades Wilma Ellersiek; Translated by Lyn and Kundry Willwerth
- A Day Full of Song: Work Songs from a Waldorf Kindergarten Karen Lonsky; Illustrated by Victoria Sander
- A Deeper Understanding of the Waldorf Kindergarten: Articles from the Waldorf Kindergarten Newsletter 1981-1992: Volume 2 Edited by Susan Howard
- Developing the Observing Eye: Teacher Observation and Assessment in Early Childhood Education Cynthia Murphy-Lang
- Do You Love Your Teachers?: Memoir of a Waldorf Teacher Eric G. Müller
- The Dream Song of Olaf Asteson: An Ancient Norwegian Folksong of the Holy Nights Original Artwork by Janet Jordan; Introduction by Andrew Welburn; Jonathan Stedall
- Easter Edited by Helmut von Kügelgen
- Educating the Will Michael Howard
- Educating the Will Michael Howard
- Educating through Arts and Crafts: An integrated approach to craft work in Steiner Waldorf schools Edited by Michael Martin
- Education and Beyond: Steiner and the Problems of Modern Society Gilbert J. Childs
- Education for Special Needs: Principles and Practice in Camphill Schools Henning Hansmann
- Education Towards Freedom: Rudolf Steiner Education: A survey of the work of Waldorf Schools throughout the world Frans Carlgren; Foreword by Christopher Clouder; Translated by Joan and Siegfried Rudel
- The Educational Tasks and Content of the Steiner Waldorf Curriculum Edited by Martyn Rawson and Tobias Richter; Translated by Johanna Collis
- Emil and Berta: The Origins of the Waldorf School Movement Sophia Christine Murphy
- Engaged Community: The Challenge of Self-governance in Waldorf Schools Jon McAlice
- An English Manual for the Elementary School Dorothy Harrer
- Eureka! The Life and Times of Archimedes: A Musical Play in One Act John Trevillion; Jeff Spade
- Eurythmy: Rhythm, Dance and Soul Thomas Poplawski
- Evaluation, Homework and Teacher Support Edited by David Mitchell
- Evaluation, Homework and Teacher Support Edited by David Mitchell
- An Exploration into the Destiny of the Waldorf School Movement Frans Lutters; Translated by Philip Mees
- Fairy Tales and Art Mirrored in Human Consciousness Monica Gold
- Finding Your Self: Supporting the Inner Life of the Teacher Torin M. Finser
- Fire the Imagination -- Write On! Dorit Winter
- First Grade Readiness: Resources, Insights and Tools for Waldorf Educators Edited by Nancy Blanning
- First Grade Readiness: Resources, Insights and Tools for Waldorf Educators Edited by Nancy Blanning
- Five Plays for Waldorf Festivals Richard Moore
- From Kindergarten into the Grades: Insights from Rudolf Steiner Edited by Ruth Ker
- A Garden for Kids: More News from Nokken and Helle Heckmann Helle Heckmann
- Gardening Classes at the Waldorf Schools Rudolf Krause; Edited by Nancy F. Holland; Translated by Gisela and Nicholas Franceschelli
- A Gift of Wonder: A True Story Showing School As It Should Be Kim Allsup
- Giving Love, Bringing Joy: A Learning CD Wilma Ellersiek; Connie Mansion
- The Grail Mystery and the Seven Liberal Arts Frans Lutters; Translated by Philip Mees
- A Handbook for Waldorf Class Teachers Edited by Kevin Avison
- Healing Forces in the Word and Its Rhythms: Report Verses in Rudolf Steiner's Art of Education Heinz Müller; Translated by Jesse Darrell
- Hellas: Memory, Reflection, Expectation: Ancient Greek Culture in a New Perspective Willem Frederik Veltman; Translated by Philip Mees
- Holistic Special Education: Camphill Principles and Practice Edited by Robin Jackson
- Homer's Odyssey: A Retelling by Isabel Wyatt Isabel Wyatt
- Homer's Odyssey: A Retelling by Isabel Wyatt Isabel Wyatt
- The Human Organs: Their Functional and Psychological Significance: Liver, Lung, Kidney, Heart Walter Holtzapfel; Translated by Roland Everett
- Immersion Learning: A Travelogue Frans Lutters
- Into the Field: A Guide to Locally Focused Teaching Clare Walker Leslie, John Tallmadge and Tom Wessels
- The Journey of the 'I' into Life: A Final Destination or a Path Towards Freedom? Edited by Nancy Blanning
- Kinesthetic Learning for Adolescents: Learning Through Movement and Eurythmy Leonore Russell
- Language Teaching in Steiner Waldorf Schools: Rudolf Steiner's concept of an integrated approach to language teaching Johannes Kiersch; Translated by Norman Skillen
- Let's Dance and Sing: Rhythmic Games for the Early Childhood Years Freya Jaffke; Translated by Nina Kuettel
- Life Lessons: Reaching Teenagers Through Literature David Sloan
- The Lives of Camphill: An Anthology of the Pioneers Edited by Johannes Surkamp
- Love Edited by Helmut von Kügelgen
- Love as the Source of Education: The Life Work of Helmut von Kügelgen Helmut von Kügelgen; Edited by Susan Howard
- Mathematics Around Us John Blackwood
- Mathematics in Space and Time John Blackwood
- Meeting the Needs of the Child Today: Lectures from the International Waldorf Early Childhood Conference Edited by Nancy Blanning
- Mentoring in Waldorf Early Childhood Education Edited by Nancy Foster
- Merrily We Sing: Original Songs in the Mood of the Fifth Ilian Willwerth
- Michaelmas Edited by Helmut von Kügelgen
- Michaelmas Edited by David Mitchell
- Morality and Ethics in Education Edited by David Mitchell; Translated by Karin diGiacomo
- The Multifaceted Life of Emil Molt Sophia Christine Murphy
- Music from Around the World for Recorders: Ensemble Music for Descant, Alto and Tenor Recorders in Waldorf Schools Michael Preston
- Music from Around the World for Three-Part Recorder Ensembles Michael Preston
- Nokken: A Garden for Children: A Danish Approach to Waldorf-based Child Care Helle Heckmann; Translated by Lone Schmidt
- Nurturing Children and Families: One Model of a Parent/Child Program in a Waldorf School Sarah Baldwin
- Nurturing Children and Families: One Model of a Parent/Child Program in a Waldorf School Sarah Baldwin
- On the Play of the Child: Indications by Rudolf Steiner for Working with Young Children Edited by Freya Jaffke; Translated by Jan-Kees Saltet
- An Overview of the Waldorf Kindergarten: Articles from the Waldorf Kindergarten Newsletter 1981-1992: Volume 1 Edited by Joan Almon
- Painting in Waldorf Education Dick Bruin and Attie Lichthart
- Painting in Waldorf Education Dick Bruin and Attie Lichthart
- Partnerships of Hope: Building Waldorf School Communities Christopher Schaefer
- Pedagogical Theater: Dramaturgy and Performance Practice for the Lower, Middle and High School Arthur M. Pittis
- Physics for Waldorf Middle Schools: Grades Six, Seven and Eight: A Compendium of Phenomenological Experiments Robert Sonner
- Physics is Fun: A Sourcebook for Teachers Roberto Trostli
- Physics is Fun: A Sourcebook for Teachers Roberto Trostli
- Professional Review and Evaluation in Waldorf Early Childhood Education Holly Koteen-Soulé
- Projective Geometry Lawrence Edwards
- The Rainbow Puppet Theater Book: Fourteen Classic Puppet Plays Estelle Bryer; Janene Ping
- Report Verses in Rudolf Steiner's Art of Education: Healing Forces in Words and Their Rhythms Heinz Müller; Translated by Jesse Darrell
- Republican Academies: Rudolf Steiner on self-management, experiential study and self-education in the life of a college of teachers Francis Gladstone
- Rudolf Steiner's Curriculum for Waldorf Schools: An attempt to summarise his indications E. A. Karl Stockmeyer; Edited by Stephen Craddock; Translated by Roland Everett-Zade
- A School as a Living Entity Rea Taylor Gill; Foreword by Torin Finser
- The Second Waldorf Song Book Edited by Brien Masters
- See the Child, Love the Child, Know Yourself: Now Teach! Elan Leibner
- Seeking the Spirit: Whitsun Inspiration for Individuals and Communities Edited by Helmut von Kügelgen
- Sensible Physics Teaching: For Grades Six to Eight Michael D'Aleo and Stephen Edelglass
- Spiritual Insights Edited by Helmut von Kügelgen
- Stories of the Saints Siegwart Knijpenga
- A Student's Workbook for Mathematics in Class 6: A Classroom 10-Pack with Teacher's Answer Booklet Jamie York
- A Student's Workbook for Mathematics in Class 7: A Classroom 10-Pack with Teacher's Answer Booklet Jamie York
- The Sun with Loving Light Edited by Stephen Bloomquist; Illustrated by Pamela Dalton
- The Sun with Loving Light Edited by Stephen Bloomquist; Illustrated by Pamela Dalton
- Teaching Foreign Languages: The Steiner-Waldorf School Approach Erhard Dahl; Translated by Christian von Arnim
- Technology's Rightful Place: Selected Essays Edited by Douglas Gerwin and Patrice Maynard
- The Temperaments and the Arts: Their Relation and Function in Waldorf Pedagogy Magda Lissau
- Three Plays for Small Classes: Robin Hood; The Philosopher's Stone; The Silver Shoes Vivian Jones Schmidt
- Three Plays for Twelfth Grade: King Oedipus Had a Daughter; Cassandra; Flor and Blanchefleur Michael Hedley Burton
- Thy Will Be Done: The Task of the College of Teachers in Waldorf Schools Roberto Trostli
- Toward the Deepening of Waldorf Education Rudolf Steiner
- Towards Creative Teaching: Working with the Curriculum of Classes 1 to 8 in Steiner Waldorf Schools Edited by Martyn Rawson and Brien Masters; Translated by Johanna Collis
- Towards Religious Education: Rudolf Steiner on Religion Teaching and the School Services Edited by Helmut von Kügelgen and Tilde von Eiff; Translated by Johanna Collis
- Transforming History: A New Curriculum for a Planetary Culture William Irwin Thompson
- Understanding Young Children: Excerpts from Lectures by Rudolf Steiner Compiled for the Use of Kindergarten Teachers Edited by Helmut von Kugelgen
- The Waldorf Book of Animal Poetry Edited by David Kennedy
- The Waldorf Book of Poetry: Discover the Power of Imagination Edited by David Kennedy
- Waldorf Education Christopher Clouder and Martyn Rawson
- Waldorf Education: An Introduction for Parents Edited by David Mitchell
- Waldorf Kindergartens Today Edited by Marie-Luise Compani and Peter Lang; Translated by Matthew Barton
- The Waldorf Song Book Compiled by Brien Masters
- A Warm and Gentle Welcome: Nurturing Children from Birth to Age Three Edited by Trice Atchison and Margaret Ris
- Who Is Harry Potter? Frans Lutters; Translated by Philip Mees
- Will-Developed Intelligence: The Handwork and Practical Arts Curriculum in Waldorf Schools David Mitchell and Patricia Livingston
- Working with the Angels: The Young Child and the Spiritual World Edited by Susan Howard
- Working with the Dead Edited by Helmut von Kügelgen
- The World of Fairy Tales: A Path to the Essence of the Young Child through Fairy Tales Daniel Udo de Haes; Translated by Barbara Mees