Julian of Norwich

A Mystic for Today

William Meninger

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  • An insightful book on the writings of one of the greatest English mystics

An inspiring commentary on the spiritual writings of one of the greatest English mystics.

204 x 126 mm
Lindisfarne Books
Religion & Spirituality
120 pages
Publication date:
28 Apr 2011


"Julian is, without doubt, one of the most wonderful of all Christian voices. She gets greater and greater in my eyes as I grow older." -- Thomas Merton

Julian of Norwich (1342-c1416) is considered by many to be one of the greatest English mystics. In 1373, she received a series of sixteen visions centred on the person and sufferings of Jesus, and on the Trinity. A short time later, she wrote an account of them and much later, after prayer and reflection, wrote eighty-six chapters called Showings of Divine Love.

The times in which Julian lived were fraught with political, social, and economic upheavals in both Church and state. There are, indeed, many parallels to the present age. This helps to explain why Julian speaks so loudly to us today after six hundred years of silence.

This gem of a book offers insightful and challenging thoughts on Julian's writings which will aid devotion and provide inspiration for prayer and meditation.


Fr William Meninger, OCSO, entered St. Joseph's Abbey in Spencer, Massachusetts, in 1963. While there, he developed a contemplative prayer method based on the fourteenth-century classic The Cloud of Unknowing, leading to a prayer method called Centering Prayer. Fr. William moved from St. Joseph's Abbey to St. Benedict's Monastery in Snowmass, Colorado, in 1979, where he has served as prior and novice director. His books include The Loving Search for God: Contemplative Prayer and the Cloud of Unknowing, and Bringing 'The Imitation of Christ' into the Twenty-First Century.

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